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Episode 12: The Myth that Mental Illness Causes Mass Shootings – An Interview with Lisa Pescara Kovach. Ph.D.

In this August 2023 episode, host Tim Jordan explores the topic, “Are  Mass Shootings Caused by Mental Illness? His guest for this thought  provoking interview is Dr. Lisa Pescara Kovach. 

Fact: This year (2023), is on pace to become the deadliest year for mass  shootings in recent history. A mass shooting is defined as 4 or more  people shot, wounded, or killed.  

Fact: Public mass casualty events are becoming more common.  

Fact: In a given year, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience mental illness and 1 in 6 young people experience a major depressive episode 

Fact: The vast majority (e.g., more than 90%) of people with mental  health conditions are not violent. Only 3%–5% of violent acts can be  attributed to them. In contrast, people with a severe mental illness are  over 10 times more likely to be victims of a violent crime than the  general population. 

Fact: After every mass shooting, certain politicians, especially those  with ties to the National Rifle Association, and pundits say that the  mental health of the shooter is to blame. 

Is the mental health of each shooter to blame? Listen and find out. Resources for this podcast:  

The University of Toledo: 

The Judith Herb College of Education @ UToledo: 

UToledo Center for Education in Mass Violence & Suicide: Dr. Lisa  Kovach. suicide/experts/pescara-kovach-lisa.html

Book Co-Authored by Dr. Kovach: White Supremacist Violence:  Understanding the Resurgence and Stopping the Spread (2023).  Routledge Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Brunt/dp/1032058854 

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings mass-shootings/ 

Research: Is There a Link Between Mental Health and Mass  Shooting? shootings-and-mental-illness

Article: Blaming mass shootings on the nation’s mental health crisis  is harmful. nations-mental-health-crisis-harmful/story?id=84973562

Blog: What Do We Do About the Gun Program in America? america/ 

Listen to all episodes of Grass Roots Health or wherever people get podcasts.  

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Grass Roots Health is sponsored by the 1795 Group. Produced by Tim Jordan. Dr. Pescara Kovach was  booked by Tim Jordan. Artwork done by Danielle Procopio. Audio  editing and mastering was done by Christopher Stoll of Audio Flare  Recording, Toledo, OH:

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