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Since 1996, our talented consultants have provided top- quality technical assistance to a variety of different organizations. We would be happy to provide one or more of the following services to you. Contact us today!
Census Building for Clinical Practices
A census is the number of patients in a dental or clinical practice. In today’s dental health or health care environment, it is almost impossible for dentists and clinicians to find time to build their census. Therefore, the 1795 can do this for you. We do this by using a patient- centered approach and making patients a top priority. We also help you create or update your marketing plan, your social marketing plan, and help you to participate in helpful public relations, including more opportunities in your local mass media. We can help make your life easier by helping you identify your priority population and connect with them in ways that will draw them to your practice. Contact us today for more details.
Cultural Competency Training
This involves providing in-person or virtual training that includes valuing diversity, developing the capacity for cultural self-assessment, being conscious of various dynamics when cultures interact, having institutionalized knowledge of different cultures, and developing adaptations to service delivery that reflects an understanding of cultural diversity. Recommend at least 90-minutes per session. For more details, call or email us today.
Data Analysis
The service focuses on analyzing existing data to answer important questions by using the best statistical tests that meet the assumptions of the data. The tests used shall be ones that answer the questions that are important to you – the client. First, we will meet with you to identify those questions. Then, you will provide the data to us in Microsoft Excel or in another file format that can be imported into SPSS. We will then analyze the data for you, create tables, write explanatory text to accompany those tables, and meet with you virtually to explain the results. Contact us today for more details.
Data Collection
This service involves collecting data from members of your priority population. Data collection can be quantitative (e.g., surveys), qualitative (e.g., focus groups or telephone interviews) or both (e.g., mixed methods). The tools used to collect data should be valid and reliable. The 1795 Group can convert your paper/pencil data collection tools to links that can be emailed or texted to your clients. For more details, call or email us today.
E-Learning Design
Several of us in the 1795 Group are professional educators and have successfully taught learners that range from 6th graders to doctoral students to medical residents. We know what works with different types of learners. We have designed online courses for years. In fact, one of the members of our Advisory Committee is the Director of Online Learning for a university. Put simply, we know how to design effective online courses that will meet the needs of your clients/learners. Make your life easier. Put our education and training to work for you. Call or email us today for more details.
End-of-Life Education
As you can see from the credentials of our team and our published research, several of us have top-notch training, education, and experience in providing end-of-life education. For example, Dr. Jordan, our founder, has taught university level Death and Dying courses to college students for 23 years. These students were of all academic majors. Dr. Jordan’s sister, Debbie Jordan-Jackson, a nurse, is the VP of Operations for VITAS. Whether you are interested in a guest speaker, guest lecturer, a professional development workshop, or continuing education in this area, we can help you. For more details, call or email us today.
Evaluation of Dental and Clinical Practices
We focus on process evaluation of clinical practices. First, we focus on patient perceptions of your practice. We then evaluate the collection, recording and analysis of patient data; planning for diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, patient education, and steps to be taken. Process evaluation helps to determine the appropriateness of clinical actions. Process evaluation can be applied to all clinical problems and is the method of choice for assessing the actions of individuals in a practice. Process evaluation helps to identify deficiencies and provides you with feedback on how to correct them. Improve your practice and make life better. Call or email us today for more details.
Event Planning
When you do something many times, you know in advance what works and what does not. Same is true with the 1795 Group. We have planned many events. First, we will work with you to identify the goals and objectives of your event. Then we will design the event, brand it, advertise and promote it, execute the plan, and then evaluate it. Furthermore, we will design a valid and reliable evaluation form for you, enter the data that are collected, analyze the data, create tables, populate tables, and write explanatory text to accompany the tables. Put our experience and expertise to work for you. For more details, call or email us today.
Grant Writing
Having enough money to operate and run your programs is a good thing. One source of money to run your programs is grants. We can look for, find, and evaluate (vet) grants for you. We can also write grants for you. We have a long and very successful history of writing grants for our clients. If we deem that the grant is a great fit for the client and he/she is willing to help us write the application, then often we will not charge the client for our grant writing expertise. Instead, we require that the client put us in the grant budget for 10% to 15% as program evaluators and/or technical consultants. That way, if the client gets the money from the grantor, then we get paid for our time and expertise. Truly a “win-win” situation. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
Guest Lectures & Presentations
Considering the variety of areas of expertise and experience of our 1795 team, we often get asked to do guest lectures or presentations. For example, perhaps you are interested in a special presentation or guest lecture on stress and coping techniques; the challenges of being a nurse in the real world; maternal and child health issues; bereavement, grief, and mourning; cancer survivorship; adolescent sexuality; the challenges of living with life-threatening illness; advance directives; hospice care; tobacco use prevention or cessation; primary care medical issues; or how to plan a health promotion or disease prevention program for a specific group of people. The 1795 team is capable of helping you. For more details, call or email us today.
Instructional Design
This service involves creating a variety of learning experiences and materials that result in your learners acquiring and applying new knowledge and skills. We can help you assess the needs of your learners, develop learning goals, measurable learning objectives, and learning strategies that are engaging. After you or your instructors deliver the content, we then can evaluate its effectiveness and share with you the results. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
Needs Assessment
Because we are health-oriented consultants, we have the greatest amount of experience in doing health needs assessments – a systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing the health needs of a priority population. Needs are really just gaps between where people are currently and where they want to be in terms of their health and quality of life. Doing a needs assessment is the absolute best way to determine what your priority population wants and needs. Because society and people change, we recommend doing a health needs assessment every three years. For more details, call or email us today.
Podcast Production
Perhaps you are interested in starting a podcast for your organization or starting one personally. We can help you. Dr. Jordan, our founder and current director, has much experience in the audio industry, in the recording studio, and in live radio. You can hear his expertise on the 1795 Group’s podcast, Grass Roots Health. You can also see and hear his expertise by clicking on the Media page on this webpage. He has produced podcasts, radio commercials, and videos for other organizations. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
Program Design
Designing any type of program is the natural outcome of a needs assessment (see above) or as a minimum, the end product of market research. To increase your odds of buy-in, ownership, and program sustainability, designing a program involves clearly identifying your priority population, stakeholders, the gate keepers of the priority population, gaining entrance to the priority population, earning their respect, and building a Steering Committee of 12-15 people, several of whom that you will train as your apprentices and eventual replacements. We know how to do that. We can help you succeed. For more details, call or email us today.
Program Evaluation
Without program evaluation, you cannot answer these questions: 1) Was the program based on published best practices? 2) Did our program reach all segments of our priority population? 3) Did our program reach the desired number of participants? 4) Was our program implemented as we planned? 5) What was the cost of our program per participant? 6) Was our program a good return on investment? 7) What did program participants think of our program? 8) What did the program staff or my superiors think of the program? 9) What did our organizational partners or the public think about the program? 10) Did the program meet its own measurable objectives? 11) To what degree did the program meet the funder’s criteria or answer important questions? 12) Did the program improve people’s health or quality of life? Not having answers to these questions is not good. The best program evaluation starts before you even plan the program. Expert program evaluators like us are also expert program designers. Call us early and let us help you with program evaluation.
Report Writing
This service involves using our expertise in report writing to make your life easier. We write grant applications, grant reports, manuscripts for publication, program evaluation reports, and abstracts every week. Our team is comprised of excellent writers. Let us help you. For more details, call or email us today.
You may want to assemble a body of knowledge for sharing it in a peer reviewed article or peer reviewed presentation. You may want to evaluate the validity of a specific hypothesis or framework of some kind. Or, you may want to address a gap in the published literature. Research is a process of systematic inquiry that involves the collection of data, analysis of that data, and interpretation and reporting of the data analysis. All of this must be done with suitable and rigorous methods that are acceptable to experts in the field. As you can see from our accomplishments on this website, we do things “right” with academic rigor so that we can publish and present research for clients. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
Strategic Planning
Because society, organizations, and staff change, we have the best outcomes with one-year strategic plans. Generating a strategic plan involves your organization’s leaders working with us for 2-3 sessions to clearly identify and define your organization’s mission, desired outcomes, goals, SMART objectives, and strategies. The strategic plan should be shared with and easily understood by all stakeholders, including your board members, volunteers, employees, organizational partners, and funders/investors. The one-year strategic plan must also become a living and breathing document. Every board meeting, every staff meeting, every meeting of your Advisory Committee should involve reviewing the strategic plan to determine how your organization is doing. For more details, call or email us today.
Survey Design
Many times, organizations have a need for original data (i.e., data that are collected by the organization or its proxy). Most times, data collection involves the design of a survey. Unfortunately, many organizations just “throw something” together and do not realize that they are in a GIGO situation (Garbage In/Garbage Out). Unless your survey is pre-tested and pilot tested, you have absolutely no idea if it is valid and reliable. We have many years of experience and expertise in this area. We always test our surveys to ensure that we are not in a GIGO situation. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
Video Production
This service involves idea development; writing objectives for the video; story boarding; pre- production and scripting; finding on camera talent; production; editing in post-production; and marketing and distributing. As you can see on the Media page of this website, we know how to produce videos that can help you. For more details, call or email us today.
Virtual Training Workshops
This service involves providing virtual professional development opportunities on a variety of topics. You may be interested in having us design, implement, and evaluate an educational and training workshop just for your organization or for a specific group of learners. Because of the wide variety of experts that we have in the 1795 Group, we can provide excellent education and training and many different topics. We recommend that virtual training workshops be no longer than 90-minutes in length. Call or email us today and put our experience and expertise to work for you.
[Dr. Jordan and his team] went above and beyond our expectations. After their very helpful evaluation and presentation, we thought so highly of Dr. Jordan and his team that we extended their contract, gave them more money, and asked them to serve as program improvement consultants.
Deb Flores
CEO, Zepf Center (former Executive Director of Lucas County Jobs and Family Services.)Dr. Jordan is very organized and has excellent skills in event planning. His expertise in education and public speaking helps him to know in advance what will or will not work. I strongly recommend him and his consulting group to you with the utmost confidence.
Kelle Pack
Foundation President, McLaren St. Luke’s HospitalWe found Dr. Jordan to be reliable, punctual, honest, knowledgeable, and very competent. He has a strong track record of success with many past awards. I am very confident that he and his team would do an excellent job for you as they did for us in Huron County.
Kirsten Smith
Journey for Counseling for Women (formerly of the Huron County Health Department).Contact us today for your free one hour consultation.