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Resource Guides
These guides provide helpful and instructional information to people that want to improve the health or quality of life of others.
By hovering your mouse over each picture, you can left click and be taken to a page that lists a synopsis of the document and its learning objectives.
All products on this website are the intellectual property of the 1795 Group and belong exclusively to them. A person may not copy, use, duplicate, photograph, or record any portion of any product without the express written permission of Dr. Timothy R. Jordan. Doing so in any form is a criminal copyright infringement and is a violation of U.S. federal law.
A Workshop Summary: Program Evaluation is Vital For Success
$4.99 -
Advance Care Planning: A Workshop Review
$4.99 -
Avoiding the Death Spiral
$4.99 -
Caring for the Dying: A Workshop Review
$4.99 -
Communicating with the Dying: A Workshop Review
$4.99 -
Funding My Program
$4.99 -
Grants 101: The Complementary Nature of Grants
$4.99 -
Grants 101: Evaluating My Organization’s Grant Readiness
$4.99 -
Grants 101: A Primer on Grants
$4.99 -
Grass Roots: The Best Way to Improve Health
$4.99 -
How To Select The Consultant For You
$4.99 -
Identifying and Prioritizing Needs Prior to Your Design
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