TV and Radio Appearances
Dr. Jordan on 13abc: Life Expectancy Drops a Year in America
Dr. Jordan on WLMB TV: Understanding the Experience of Loss
Dr. Jordan on Proclaim FM Radio: The COVID-19 Pandemic – Rumors, Myths, Wives’ Tales, and Conspiracy Theories
Newspaper / Magazines / Online Articles

Center for Health and Successful Living recognized with community service award

Center for Health and Successful Living patient navigator named Healthcare Hero
Videos Produced for Others
Dr. Jordan Produces and Hosts New Podcast: WTOL 11 TV News – Joughin Family Participates in Podcast to Share Their Story of Grief with Students
Dr. Jordan Produces and Directs a Video for the Lucas County Work Experience Program
Dr. Jordan Produces and Directs Video to Encourage Clients Enrolled in the Lucas County Work Experience Program
Radio Advertisements Produced for Others
Will Life Ever Get Back to Normal?
What About Granny?
Keep it Going
Addressing Vaccine Myths
Is It Really Over?
1795 Peer Reviewed Presentations – A Recent Sample
2022: Ibrahim, S., Villella, S., Hamdan, Z., & Jordan, T. R. Using Qualitative Methods to Evaluate Education Provided to Arabic-Speaking Outreach Workers: An Application of the Social Cognitive Theory. Scientific poster presentation at Annual Meeting and Expo and the 150th Celebration of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November 6-9.
2022: Martinez, B., Hamdan, Z., & Jordan, T.R. Health Needs Assessments: What? Why? When? How? Presented virtually at the Annual Symposium of the National Association of Free and Charitable Health Clinics, Indianapolis, IN. October 24-25.
2022: Martinez, B., Polavarapu, M., Franks, J., Wotring, A., Jordan, T.R. Young Adults Living in Generational Poverty in Northwest Ohio: The Relationship Between Health and Vocational Success. Oral presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society for Public Health Educators, Oregon, OH. October 19-21.
2021: Jordan, T.R., Polavarapu, M., Wotring, A., McAfee, C.A., Cegelka, D., Wagner-Green, V.R., Hamdan, Z. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed Dying and Grief: Will There Be a Surge of Complicated Grief? Round table discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Hamdan, Z., Martinez, B., Glover, K.N., Polavarapu, M., Jordan. T.R. Perceived Barriers to Optimal Health among Arab Speakers in Southeast Michigan. Oral presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Glover, K.N., Saad, H., Hamdan, Z., Wotring, A., Jordan, T.R., Haberkorn, K. Partners for Health Equity: An Intervention to Address High Rates of Vaccine Hesitancy and Low Rates of COVID-19 Vaccination among Arabic Residents of SE Michigan. Round table discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Matkovic, J., Polavarapu, M., Jones, T., Jordan, T.R. Stage of Readiness to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine among Low-Income Youth in Northwest Ohio: Use of the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM). Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Franks, J., Jones, T., Polavarapu, M., Martinez, B., Jordan, T.R. Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccine among Low-Income, At-Risk Young Adults in Northwest Ohio: A Qualitative Assessment. Round table discussion at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Martinez, B., Polavarapu, M., Hamdan, Z., Wotring, A., Layson, T., Jordan, T.R. How to Use a Participatory Approach and the PRECEDE/PROCEED Model to do a Health Needs Assessment for a Historically Under-Studied Population. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society of Public Health Educators Annual Conference/Health Educator’s Institute. Virtual conference. October 20-22.
2021: Wagner-Greene, V. R., Jordan, T.R., Steiner, V., Dake, J. A., Kopp Miller, B. A National Survey of Oncology Fellowship Program Directors on End-of-Life Education. Oral presentation made at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO. October 24-27.
2021: Wotring, A., Jones, B., Mohamed, I., Polavarapu, M., Williamson, A., & Jordan, T.R. The Impact of Providing Informal Care to Cancer Survivors. Scientific Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education Conference, St. Louis, MO. April 6-9.
2021: Hamdan, Z., Berry, Z., Berry, N., Wotring, A., Polavarapu, M., Jordan, T.R. Arabic-speaking immigrants’ perceptions of receiving free and accessible health care. Webinar presentation at the 72nd annual Society for Public Health Education Conference, St. Louis, MO. April 6-9.
2020: Karmakar, M., Jordan, T.R., Dake, J.A., Thompson, A., and Mohamed, I. The Health Impact of Survivorship Care Plans among Breast Cancer Survivors: The Influence of the Social Cognitive Theory. Scientific poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. October 24-28.
2020: Wotring, A., Jordan, T.R., Saltzman, B. Glassman, T., and Khubchandani, J. Using the Integrated Behavioral Model to explain low Organ Donation Rates among a Diverse Sample of Non-College Young Adults. Oral presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. October 24-28.
2020: Wagner-Greene, V., Wotring, A., Karmakar, M., Matkovic, J., Wohlwend, J., Hoagland-Fojtik, H., & Jordan, T.R. The Association between Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectations, and Selected Socio-Demographic Variables and Patients’ Self-Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Scientific poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education. Atlanta, GA. March 3.
2019: Matkovic, J., White, D., Wohlwend, J., Wotring, A., Wagner-Greene, V., & Jordan, T.R. Self-Reported Stress Mediates the Relationship between Self-Efficacy to Succeed at Work and Self-Reported Health Status among Low Income Adults. Scientific poster at the Health Educators’ Institute at the Annual Conference of the Ohio Society for Public Health Education, Salt Fork, Ohio. October 2019.
2019: Wotring, A., Wagner-Green, V., Wohlwend, J., Matkovic, J. White, D., and Jordan, T.R. Is Self-Efficacy to Succeed at Work a Predictor of Health Status among Low Income Job Seekers? Scientific poster presented at the 10th Annual Midwest Graduate Research Symposium. The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. April 2019.
2018: Fojtik-Hoagland H., Wotring, A., Karmakar, K., Wagner-Green, V., Wohlwend. J., and Jordan, T.R. Factors that Help Explain and Predict Disease Management among Ohioans with Chronic Kidney Disease. Scientific poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Society for Public Health Educators. Columbus, OH. October 19.
2018: Jordan, M., & Jordan, T.R. et al. Usefulness of the Integrated Behavioral Model to Predict and Explain The Decision to Register as an Organ Donor among US Young Adults. Scientific poster Presented as part of the Health Administration program of the annual Meeting & Expo of the American Public Health Association Nov. 10 – 14) in San Diego, CA. (Poster presentation).
2017: Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M., & Jordan, T.R. The Impact of Perceived Stress and Coping Adequacy on the Health of Nurses: A Pilot Investigation. Scientific poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Public Health Educators. Denver, CO.
2016: Diehr, A., Jordan, T.R., Price, J., Dake, J., Sheu, J.J. Do State Offices of Minority Health in the United States Address the Social Determinants in their Quest for Health Equity? Oral presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
2016: Diehr, A., Jordan, T.R., Price, J., Dake, J., Sheu, J.J. Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in the United States: The Experiences, Perceptions, and Achievements of State Officers of Minority Health. Round table discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
2016: McAfee, C., Jordan, T.R, Sheu, J.J, Dake, J., Kopp Miller, B. Predicting Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Advance Care Planning Using the Integrated Behavioral Model. Round table discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
2016: Karmakar, M., Jordan, T.R., Thompson, A., Sheu, J.J., Mohamed, I. African American Cancer Survivors Report Better Communication with their Health Care Providers than Caucasian Survivors: An Analysis of Two National Databases. Scientific poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
2016: Karmakar, M., Jordan, T.R., & Thompson, A. African American Cancer Survivors Are More Likely than Caucasian Survivors to Receive a Survivorship Care Plan and Treatment Summary: An Analysis of a National Database. Scientific poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
1795 Publications – A Sample
Cegelka, D., Jordan, T.R., Dake, J.A., Sheu, J.J., and Assaly, R. (2017). End-of-Life Training in US Internal Residency Programs: A National Study. The Journal of Medical Education and Training; 1, 30-32.
Diehr, A. Jordan, T.R., Price, J., Sheu, JJ, & Dake, J. (2017). Assessing the Strategies of State Offices of Minority Health to Reduce Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities. American Journal of Health Studies, 32, (1), 8-15.
Diehr, A. Jordan, T.R., Price, J., Dake, J., Sheu, J.J. (2017). State Minority Health Officers’ Perceptions of their Successes and Barriers to Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5, 662-670. DOI:
Hamdan, M.B., Singh, S., Polavarapu, M. Jordan, T.R., & Melhem, N.M. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among University Students in Lebanon. Epidemiology and Infection, 149, e242. DOI:
Jordan, T.R., Dake, J.A., & Price, J.H. (2006). Best Practices for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy: Do OB/GYNS use them in Practice? Journal of Women’s Health, 15, 400- 411.
Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., & Wiblishauser, M. (2016). The Impact of Perceived Stress and Copying Adequacy on the Health of Nurses: A Pilot Investigation. Nursing Research and Practice,
Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M., Glassman, T., & Thompson. A. (2011). Do Respiratory Therapists Receive Training and Education in Smoking Cessation? A National Study of Post-Secondary Training Programs. Patient Education & Counselling, 85, 99-105.
Jordan, T.R., Price, J.H., Dake, J.A., & Shah, S. (2004). Adolescents’ Exposure to and Perceptions of Environmental Tobacco Smoke. Journal of School Health, 75, 175-186.
Jordan, T.R., Price, J.H., & Fitzgerald, S. (2009). Rural Parents’ Communication with their Teenagers About Sexual Issues. Journal of School Health, 70, (8), 338-344.
Jordan, T.R., Price, J.H., King, K.A., Masyk, T., & Bedell, A.W. (1999). The Validity of Male Patients’ Self-Reports Regarding Prostate Cancer Screening. Preventive Medicine, 28 (3), 297-303.
Jordan, T.R., Wotring, A.J., McAfee, C.A., Polavarapu, M., Cegelka, D., & Wagner-Greene, V.R. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic has Changed Dying and Grief: Will There be a Surge of Complicated Grief? Death Studies, 46 (1), 84-90, DOI:
Karmakar, M., Jordan, T.R., Pinto, S., and Mohamed, I. (2017). Predicting Adherence to Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy among Breast Cancer Survivors: An Application of the Protection Motivation Theory. Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research, 11, 1-12.
Khubchandani, J., Jordan, T.R. Yang, T.Y. (2020). Ebola, Zika, Corona…What is Next for Our World? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 3171, doi:10.3390/ijerph17093171
McAfee, C.A., Jordan, T.R., Cegelka, D., Polavarapu, M., Wotring, A., Wagner-Greene, V. & Hamdan, Z. (2020). COVID-19 brings a new urgency for advance care planning: Implications of death education. Death Studies. Published online first on September 17, 2020.
McAfee, C.A., Jordan, T.R., Sheu, Jiunn-Jye, Dake, J.A., & Kopp-Miller, B. (2017). Predicting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Advance Care Planning Using the Integrated Behavioral Model. Omega – Journal of Death and Dying. 78(4), 369-389.
Nims, L., Jordan, T.R., Price, J.H., Dake, J.A., and Khubchandani, J. (2019). Smoking Cessation Education and Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs in the United States. The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care; 8, (3), 1151-1158.
Thompson A., Jordan, T.R., Brookins-Fischer, J., Karmakar, M., and Evans, N. (2018). Formation of a Student-Led Community-Based, Chronic Disease Center at an Urban University. The Health Educator, Vol. 50 (2), 2-6.
Wotring, A.J., Jordan, T.R., Saltzman, B. Glassman, T., Holloway, J., and Khubchandani, J. (2022). Why Do Young Adults in the United States Have Such Low Rates of Organ Donation Registration? Challenges, 13 (1), 21;
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