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Episode 18: Redlining, Racism, Obesity, and Food Deserts. Related? An Interview with Anthony Goodwin, MBA

Let me ask you a question. Are these things related? Historic redlining, racism, food scarcity, and obesity. Are people who live in previously redlined areas worse off, and do they have worse health outcomes than those who live elsewhere? 

In this February 2024 episode, host Tim Jordan explores these questions and more with Anthony Goodwin, the young man who did this research and answered these questions. Listen, learn, subscribe, and share. Thanks!

Resources for this podcast

National Co-op Grocers

Article:   Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America. University of Richmond.

Article:  A Forgotten History of how the U.S. Government Segregated America. Terry Gross (2017).

Research Study:  Study Finds Socioeconomic Conditions – Not Genetics or Lifestyle Choices – Account for Racial Life Expectancy Gap. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

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Grass Roots Health is sponsored by the 1795 Group. Grass Roots Health is produced by Tim Jordan. Anthony Goodwin was booked by Tim Jordan. Artwork by Danielle Procopio. Audio editing and mastering by Christopher Stoll of Audio Flare Recording, Toledo, OH:  Website design by Alex Brinkman, Green Tree Media, Perrysburg, Ohio

Where to listen

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