
About the Podcast
The Grass Roots Health podcast began in September 2022. Each episode features an interesting health topic and at least one expert.
Grass roots means that ordinary people are engaged, equipped, and empowered to affect change. In a grass roots approach, members of the priority population are involved in all aspects of health promotion/disease prevention – from beginning to end. Using a grass roots approach is the only way to achieve sustainable improvements in health and quality of life.
Financial gifts from our listeners, like you, enable the 1795 Group to continue to produce, host, and distribute this podcast on our website and on many other podcast platforms. We greatly appreciate your financial support! See below for how you can support this podcast in a tangible way.
Support This Podcast
If you have enjoyed one or more of these podcasts, would you help by subsidizing the cost of production and distribution?
Each podcast episode costs us $400 to produce and distribute. Will you help us offset these costs?
Neither our host nor guests are paid. Thus, 100% of your donation is dedicated toward the costs of production and distribution. If you would like to make a donation, please complete this form, then click donate. Thank you!